
PyAlgoTrade の勝手に日本語解説ブログ。日本語の内容に関して保証はいたしておりません。必ず本家のサイトをご確認ください。


PyAlgoTrade 0.2出た

2018年夏 0.2がリリースされていた

Version 0.20 (20/Aug/2018)
. [NEW] Added support for Python 3.7.
. [NEW] Added setShares method for back-testing broker. Thanks winkidney for implementing this.
. [NEW] Added an option to support skipping errors while parsing CSV files.
. [NEW] Added batchSize parameter to optimizer component. Thanks micmicmichael for implementing this.
. [NEW] Added savePlot to the plotter to save the plot to a file. Thanks Kimble Young for implementing this.
. [FIX] Fixed a bug in the Event class when unsubscribing and re-subscribing while emitting. Thanks pjz for reporting this.
. [FIX] Fixed a race condition in the local optimizer that was sometimes getting blocked waiting for workers.
. [FIX] Fixed a bug while generating nonces for Bitstamp. Thanks pjz for reporting this.
. [FIX] Fixed callback for BaseStrategy.resampleBarFeed to match onBars prototype.
. [FIX] Fixed extra columns parsing in csvfeed.GenericRowParser. Thanks Jones Chung for reporting this.
. [BREAKING CHANGE] Removed support for downloading bars from Yahoo Finance.
. [BREAKING CHANGE] Removed support for downloading bars from Google Finance. プロットしたグラフをファイルに保存する機能が付きました。これで、画面のない環境でも作りやすくなりました。